The Wildwood Civic Club

Welcome to The Wildwood Civic Club, the nonprofit organization dedicated to better quality of life in our community, city, country, and around the world.

Through our contacts we have created a network that supports our cause and allows us to generate new ideas on how to continue our mission.

This is a  mission also of our affiliate, the New Jersey Federation of  Women's Clubs, for providing opportunities for education, leadership training and community service through participation, thus enabling our members to make a difference in the lives of others, one project at a time.

We invite you to learn more about our services and activities here on our website. Do not hesitate to contact us through our email or any of our members.

You can visit us at The Wildwood Civic Club House on 

3008 Atlantic Ave, Wildwood, NJ 08260




                   FIRST THURSDAY AT 7 PM

                 SEPT, OCT, NOV, DEC.APRIL, 

             MAY, JUNE  Refreshments 6:30 pm

                    FIRST THURSDAY AT 1 PM           

         JAN, FEB, MARCH  Refreshments 12:30 pm


How do you like our new website? Just the start...need to add more soon !!

Great! I found everything I was looking for. (1,658)

I couldn't find what I was looking for. (263)

Total votes: 1921


03/29/2014 00:00


                     WILDWOOD CIVIC...

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03/28/2014 20:39

Write to us with your feedback

Would you like to ask us questions about the services we have available? Please contact us. We...

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03/28/2014 20:38

Welcome to Our New Website

We would like to announce the launch of our new website. You can find information about all the...

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Wildwood Civic Club

3008 Atlantic Ave
Wildwood, NJ
